He always gets this look on his face- "Listen to me!"
His eyebrows are raised, his hands move a lot,
He walks in circles and jumps up and down,
And, with plent of and's and um's,
He tells his story-
And it is always the best story EVER.
This might seem like a silly, immature thing-
But I really wish I was like that.
I wish that I saw life as story after story,
Every one more dramatic that the last.
B tells things the way he sees them.
I think that's the best part of it all-
He really, actually is that excited.
I'm too melodramatic.
I'm too prone to overreact.
I'm too easily frustrated.
I'm too sarcastic.
"I finally came to grips that my life may not be legit
And I haven't ever felt this good in years."
-Actions Not Words, Crash Romeo

I will laugh more.
I will talk to God all the time.
I will listen to the Ting Tings often.
Life is too happy to be sad all the time.
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